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Can a California bill end digital discrimination?
Oakland Undivided Oakland Undivided

Can a California bill end digital discrimination?

Paula Sandoval finds herself without access to the internet at home despite living in the digital age. Sandoval, a 65-year-old immigrant, lives in a rented room in Oakland. When she tried to set up internet access herself, she was met with a $50 quote from her mobile carrier, T-Mobile—a cost she says is unaffordable for her. Her situation mirrors that of many Californians, a state where one in five people lack broadband internet service.

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Tech X Radio
Oakland Undivided Oakland Undivided

Tech X Radio

Welcome to the Tech Exchange's new Tech X Radio podcast, where we spotlight community resources and advocates for social change and fighting for digital equity…

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New Bill Pushes California to Confront Digital Discrimination
Oakland Undivided Oakland Undivided

New Bill Pushes California to Confront Digital Discrimination

Even now, in an age when most of us use the Internet, one in five Californians lack reliable and affordable service. Most are lower-income people of color and rural residents.

This afternoon in Sacramento, the Assembly Communications & Conveyance Committee takes up the latest salvo in this struggle, a bill designed to chip away at this form of digital discrimination.

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California Digital Equity Summit
Oakland Undivided Oakland Undivided

California Digital Equity Summit

#OaklandUndivided was honored to join more than 100 digital equity advocates from across the State for the 4th annual Digital Equity LA Summit…

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$1.5 Billion To Be Added To State's Broadband Plan
Oakland Undivided Oakland Undivided

$1.5 Billion To Be Added To State's Broadband Plan

The proposed state budget includes $1.5 billion to help build an open-access "middle-mile" network which will connect homes and business through 10,000 miles of high speed internet service. (Middle Mile refers to the backbone infrastructure). That's on top of an already-allocated $6 billion for the "Broadband For All" plan.

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Este programa ofrece descuentos de hasta $30 mensuales para pagar el internet: ¿quiénes califican y cómo aplicar?
Oakland Undivided Oakland Undivided

Este programa ofrece descuentos de hasta $30 mensuales para pagar el internet: ¿quiénes califican y cómo aplicar?

Familias de bajos ingresos que reciban beneficios como CalFresh, WIC, Medi-Cal o que incluso tengan estudiantes en algunos distritos escolares podrían aplicar para recibir este apoyo mensual. “Es un beneficio federal que otorga $30 al mes, es decir, más de $300 anuales, para pagar la factura de internet”, explicó Cinthia Díaz, vocera de la organización Oakland Undivided. Te mostramos dónde y cómo solicitar esta ayuda…

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